Doctora en Nanoelectrónica con mención Cum Laude

2012 – 2016

Programa de Doctorado

Física y Ciencias del espacio

Universidad de Granada

Grupo de investigación
en Nanoelectrónica TIC216

Application of the Pseudo-MOSFET Technique on Silicon-On-Insulator Wafers


This work has been focused on a deep and systematic study of the point-contact PseudoMOSFET characterization technique.

Firstly, theoretical models for the Pseudo-MOSFET have been described and developed for ultrathin Si wafers, and for those with also ultrathin BOX. They have been validated with several simulations. Then, some Pseudo-MOSFET samples with different thickness and surface (passivated/non-passivated) have been analyzed and characterized.

Later, the combination of the Split-C(V) technique with the Pseudo-MOSFET configuration has allowed to obtain the carrier mobility in bare SOI wafers as a function of the inversion charge. Nevertheless, since the evaluation of this parameter depends strongly on the value of the effective area considered for calculations, this area has been examined as a function of the characteristics of the set up configuration.

Taking into account the variability of the area with experimental configuration parameters, a mathematical model has been proposed to calculate the effective surface in any characterization scenario. The model has been verified with the experimental results.

On the other hand, the carrier mobility have been also studied in Pseudo-MOSFET samples. In order to achieve the optimum enhancement for the mobility, the specific values for the backgate bias have been calculated using Poisson-Schrödinger numerical simulations combined with Split-C(V) experimental results.

To conclude, new applications associated to point-contact techniques have been analyzed such us the use of the Pseudo-MOSFET as a sensor platform. In addition, several studies have been carried out on Poly-silicon or Graphene-On-Insulator samples demonstrating the flexibility of the point-contact methods to evolve with emerging substrates.

List of publications

Journal Papers

A. Diab, C. Fernandez, A. Ohata, N. Rodriguez, I. Ionica, Y. H. Bae, F. Allibert, F. Gamiz, G. Ghibaudo, C. Mazuré, S. Cristoloveanu, A new characterization technique for SOI wafers: Split C(V) in pseudo-MOSFET configuration, Solid-State Electronics,90, pp. 127:133, 201é

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, A. Ohata, F. Gamiz, F. Andrieu, C. Fenouillet-Beranger, O. Faynot, S. Cristoloveanu, Bias-Engineered Mobility in Advanced FD-SOI MOSFETs, Electron Device Letters, 34(7), pp. 840:842, 2013.

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, A. Ohata, F. Gamiz, S. Cristoloveanu, Effective Capacitance Area for Pseudo-MOSFET Characterization of Bare SOI Wafers by Split-C(V) Measurements,
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 53(5), pp. 209-217, 2013.

C. Marquez, N. Rodriguez, C. Fernandez, A. Ohata, F. Gamiz, F. Allibert, S. Cristoloveanu,
In Situ Characterization of Bias Instability in Bare SOI Wafers by Pseudo-MOSFET Technique, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 14(3), pp. 878:883, 2014.

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, C. Marquez, A. Ohata, F. Allibert, On the effective mobility extraction by point-contact techniques on silicon-on-insulator substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 035707, 2015.

Conference Contributions

A. Diab, C.Fernandez, A. Ohata, N. Rodriguez, I. Ionica, Y. H. Bae, W. Van Den Daele,
F. Allibert, F. Gamiz, G. Ghibaudo, S. Cristoloveanu, A New Characterization Technique
for SOI Wafers: Split C(V) in Pseudo-MOSFET Configuration,
EUROSOI Conference (La
Grande Motte, Montpellier, France, 2012), pp. 127:133.

C. Fernandez, A. Diab, N. Rodriguez, A. Ohata, F. Allibert, I. Ionica, F. Gamiz, S. Cristoloveanu, Impact of Effective Capacitance Area on the Characterization of SOI Wafers by Split-C(V) in Pseudo-MOSFET Configuration, International Semiconductor Conference
Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG) Conference
(Grenoble, France, 2012), pp. 123:126.

A. Diab, C.Fernandez, L. Pirro, N. Rodriguez, I. Ionica, A. Ohata, Y. H. Bae, W. Van Den
Daele, F. Allibert, F. Gamiz, G. Ghibaudo, D. Delprat, C. Mazuré, S. Cristoloveanu, Effective Mobility in Extra-Thin Film and Ultra-Thin BOX SOI Wafers,
EUROSOI Conference (Paris, France, 2013), pp. 2:4.

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, A. Ohata, A. Diab, F. Gamiz, S. Cristoloveanu, Determination of Effective Capacitance Area for Pseudo-Transistor based Characterization of bare SOI wafers by Split-C(V) measurements, 223rd ECS Meeting, (Toronto, Canada, 2013), 53, pp. 209:217.

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, C. Márquez, B. Biel, F. Gamiz, Two Point-Contact Method
for the Electrical Characterization of Graphene-On-Insulator Samples,
ImagineNano (Bilbao, España, 2013).  

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, F. Gamiz, Substrate effect on Pseudo-MOSFETs capacitance curves, I Congreso Nacional Multidisciplinar de Jóvenes Investigadores (Granada, España, 2014), pp. 21:25.

L. Segura, N. Rodriguez, C. Fernandez, A. Ohata, C. Márquez, F. Gamiz, Direct Electrical Characterization of Graphene-On-Insulator by Multiple-Point Contact Configuration, Graphene International Conference and Exhibition (Toulouse, France, 2014).

C. Fernandez, N. Rodriguez, C. Márquez, F. Gamiz, Determination of ad hoc deposited charge on bare SOI wafers, Joint International EOROSOI Workshop and International Conference Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS) (Bolonia, Italia, 2015), pp. 289:292.

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Programa ConCiencia Canal Sur Lab ugr

HDL Ingenieros de Granada revolucionan la informática con un tipo de memoria RAM mucho más potente

Actualmente, miembro del Grupo de investigación Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory TIC250